10 Levers Of Success Part 2

In this continuation of the Business Levers of Success from last week’s episode, Adam continues to outline the factors and behaviors that distinguish successful people from those looking for success in the wrong places.
If you tuned into the previous episode of the Start with a Win podcast, you have been equipped with the first five Business Levers of Success. And if you haven’t listened to that episode yet, go back and do it!
Adam continues by sharing the final five Business Levers of Success on this episode, plus listeners who are patient and perceptive will receive Adam’s #1 piece of advice for CEOs and executives.
6. Saying the right thing – Creating copy is an art form meant to bring people along on the journey of your business. If you are not familiar with copy writing, do some research and review the resources below to understand how saying the right thing can be so impactful in your business.
7. Learning and growing – When you stop learning, you start dying. The wisest people in the world soak up everything around them and take notes to be able to reflect back on what they have learned so they can apply it in their everyday lives. They view learning as a way of extracting and delivering value.
8. Improvement – Small hinges swing big doors, and as Adam has previously discussed on the podcast, there is great power in the aggregation of marginal gain. Improvement doesn’t happen overnight, but small habitual changes can lead to huge improvements.
9. The power of associations – Push yourself to associate with people much smarter than you, from your business relationships to personal mentors or coaches to mastermind groups. Frequently evaluate your circles to determine if you have people around you who hold you accountable for your goals.
10. Clarity – Confusion is contagious, and you as a leader are confused about the direction of your organization or even just a certain project, your employees will feel lost, unmotivated, and perhaps even lose confidence in you. On the other hand, clarity and focus are the keys to future success.

“Atomic Habits” by James Clear: https://www.amazon.com/Atomic-Habits-Proven-Build-Break/dp/0735211299 
“The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Habit-What-Life-Business/dp/081298160X 
“Habit Stacking” by Steve Scott: https://www.amazon.com/Habit-Stacking-Changes-Improve-Happiness-ebook/dp/B06XP2B5QC 
“How to Write Copy that Sells” by Ray Edwards: https://www.amazon.com/Write-Copy-Sells-Step-Step/dp/161448502X 
Ray Edwards’ podcast: https://rayedwards.com/podcast-archives/ 
“Copy Chief Radio” podcast: https://copychief.com/podcast-all/ 

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