1yr Anniversary Recap

Celebrate with us the one-year anniversary of the Start with a Win podcast! Adam, Mark, and Kayla look back over the past 52 episodes and discuss the highlights and particularly poignant truth nuggets from the many influential guests we have had the pleasure of hosting.
This episode marks the one-year anniversary of the Start with a Win podcast! We want to thank all of our loyal listeners and fans for your support and for making the show what it is today! We can’t wait to kick off the next year of the podcast and see what the future holds.

During this episode, Adam, producer Mark, and social media manager Kayla walk down memory lane and recall their favorite episodes and the lessons that have stuck with them most over the past year. Episode 1 about building hustle daily truly set the tone for Start with a Win and the idea of what causes success is a recurring theme throughout many episodes. 

We have also been honored to host many agents, coaches, and celebrities during our first year and we look forward to many more. Ryan Harris of the Super Bowl L champion Denver Broncos was just one of the many achievers Adam has interviewed whose kindness and humility really elevated his message of choosing your mindset and believing “I am. I can. I will” in all of life. Dave Liniger brought so much good content to his interview sessions that we had to split it up into 3 episodes filled with wisdom and knowledge as well as messages of empowerment that were before his time.

So many stellar RE/MAX agents have been guests on the show, sharing on topics from social media to video to overcoming challenges to shifting your mindset including Ido and Sable from Booj and Ward from Motto Mortgage. Coaches like John Ceplak, Verl Workman, and Richard Robbins have also shared with our listeners crucial business principles as well as the importance of starting within yourself before trying to influence others. We are so grateful for the contributions of all of our guests so far and we can’t wait to share more truths with you as we begin Year 2!

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