5 Trends Business Leaders Need to Follow in 2023

This might surprise you, but the priorities of successful leaders in 2023 aren’t simply increasing revenue and productivity. While these are certainly important goals for any business owner, this year leaders are focusing on building relationships and practicing clear communication. Here are the top trends for feeding the momentum of growth and expansion in the new year.

  1. Be Present: In order to retain loyal employees, bosses need to be actively involved in the day-to-day environment. When people feel seen and heard, they are more likely to stay with a company and work with higher levels of productivity. (02:40)
  2. Use Video: To enhance virtual correspondence and build a more authentic online presence, utilize visual forms of communication rather than simply using text. (04:55)
  3. Create Valuable Content: Offer something of value to those you influence and lead. This builds branding and creates a relationship of reciprocity. When you provide what someone needs, they are more likely to do business with you. (09:55)
  4. Use Extreme Clarity: Embrace the power of the word “because.” When leaders take the time to explain their reasoning, employees are more likely to acquiesce to requests or expectations. (12:43)
  5. Communicate Regularly: Create a routine of checking in with clients and employees on a consistent basis to invest in relationships and address any issues. (16:00)

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