5 Ways to Start 2022 With A Win

In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam comes to you with five effective, actionable ways that you can take charge of your life and make 2022 your most successful, fulfilling year yet. Be sure to share this episode with a friend, coworker, or whoever you think would benefit from it!
It’s time to kick off 2022, and Adam Contos is here to help you make it one of your best years yet! Whether you’re listening to this episode at the beginning of the year while you’re making your resolutions—or you need to hit that reset button in July—Adam’s 5 Ways to Start 2022 With A Win will give you the tools you need to take ownership of both your professional and your personal lives this year.

1. Write it Down
Grab a good ol’ fashioned pen and paper (don’t worry, we won’t be mad if it’s your favorite notes app), and write yourself a contract that says, “In 2022 I am going to do the following,” and make a list. Make a list of the things you want to commit to doing this year—and sign it! Be accountable to yourself. This is often scary for people, because they don’t want to fully commit to something that feels like a fleeting decision based upon their feelings. But remember: Your feelings will keep you from achieving more than not! 
And in the spirit of 2022, go beyond what you think you can do and employ the plus-two mindset. Make your list of goals, and add two! You always want to be one step better than what you think you can be, but what if you were two steps better? Want to make 10 sales calls per day? What if you made 12 instead? Whether in business or exercise or relationships, those additional two add up over time!

2. Learn to Love Learning
Make a learning list of what you want to accomplish this year, and make a plan to make it happen. And if you actually learned to love learning, what would the results be?
3. Give What You’ve Learned
Now it’s time to put that learning into action! Take the things you’ve learned and give it to people. Look for opportunities to help other people get better by sharing what you learned. The best way to improve upon what you’ve learned is to actually put into practice.

4. Create Your Stop Doing List
This is probably the most painful one! But it’s time to get rid of the dead growth in your life. What are those things in your life that are sucking up your time, resources, and mental space? Is it a game on your phone? Grabbing a handful of chips from the pantry? Online shopping? Make this list and keep it growing, because you’ll continue to run across things.

5. Take Stock of Your Relationships
Ask yourself this question: Are the people I spend the most time with helping me become the person I want to be? Adam proposes that the people you spend time with will dictate the way your 2022 will look. So, switch your minutes to the people you want to become.

Episode Links:

Jessica Gunn, Gunning for Fitness

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

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