Befriending the Inner Beast to Overcome Fear and Create Success

In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam provides a sneak-peek into some of the chapters in his book, Start With A Win: Tools and Lessons to Create Personal and Business Success, with SWAW producer Mark. Adam discusses the roots of fear and success and how to overcome and thrive through challenges.
In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam and SWAW producer Mark pick up the conversation about Adam's first authored book, Start With A Win: Tools and Lessons to Create Personal and Business Success. Adam covers the main takeaways from chapters two, three, and four. He explains how experiencing both successes and failures is necessary for personal and professional growth. Failures serve as learning opportunities, while challenges develop opportunities to create success or learning moments. 

Adam outlines the two questions you should always ask yourself as a leader:

1) How do we create an environment in which people want to perform at their highest levels?

Tip: Create a trusting environment where it’s okay to fail. 

2) How do you unlock potential instead of pushing others to barely get by?

Tip: When it comes to performance and earning wins, pushing others creates resistance. Encouragement and enthusiasm result in increased drive, efforts, and performance. 

Adam discusses how fear is the reason why people do not try to pursue new endeavors or challenges. This mental roadblock creates self-limiting beliefs, hesitation, self-doubt, often resulting in imposter syndrome. Adam breaks down the concept of fear as an inner beast that resides in everyone. The first step to overcoming fear requires acknowledging and befriending the beast, which requires self-love and acceptance. As a leader, it is crucial to be a sponge for knowledge—learn from others, nurture your mind—and reciprocate that wisdom to others.

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