13 Steps For Success by Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Without continual growth and progress, such words as ‘improvement’, ‘achievement’, and ‘success’ have no meaning.” On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam and Mark talk about Ben Franklin’s Thirteen Virtues and how listeners can apply them to their own lives today.
When Benjamin Franklin was 20 years old, he wrote Thirteen Virtues for people to live by. Adam and Mark discuss these virtues, their relevance today, and how they relate to the world almost 300 years after Ben Franklin wrote them.
Temperance – Not overindulging, but partaking of an optimal level
Silence – This emphasizes the importance of listening and recognizing that you have two ears and one mouth for a reason; You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with (and, consequently, listening to)
Order – Have the right interests in mind for your self and your daily routine
Resolution – Do what you planned to do
Frugality – Waste nothing and spend less than you make
Industry – Time is money, so be generous and provide value to those around you
Sincerity – Think before you speak and speak the truth, particularly on social media
Justice – Do what is right and recognize how your actions impact others
Moderation – Be reasonable and consistent, seeking balance in all things
Cleanliness – Take care of yourself and your environment
Tranquility – Don’t get upset about little things and do your best to be at peace with everyone
Chastity – Be smart and careful
Humility – Keep your pride in check, be honest, be grateful, and imitate Jesus and Socrates


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