Building Hustle Daily

How many times did you hit the snooze button this morning? If the answer is more than 0, we need to talk. Today is the day to make a difference – in your life, business and relationships. Stop putting off the inevitable and begin building momentum. Success doesn’t just happen, you have to work for it. I’m excited to share my personal habits, routines, and processes for ensuring you start with a win every day. Let’s do this
Welcome to the Start with a Win podcast! We are so glad that you have found your way here and we hope that you find ideas in each episode that you can integrate into your own life.

On this inaugural episode of the podcast, Adam discusses the ways that he integrates the ideas of building hustle daily and being intentional about making a difference into his daily routine. Preparations for the day begin the night before, when he sets out his clothes for the next morning and drinks a protein-rich green drink to help his body burn fat during the night. 

Adam’s day starts bright and early (before it is actually bright outside) at about 4:30am, when he gets up right away, without pressing the “snooze” button. He sees this as his first action of intentionality of the day, getting his mind right and taking charge of the day first thing, usually by watching the daily edition of Darren Daily. Then, he and his wife usually spend an hour at the gym, which still leaves them plenty of time to get ready before heading to work. Studies have shown that people who wake up later experience lower job satisfaction and lower salaries overall, and Adam is committed to gaining momentum by being motivated, choosing positivity, and practicing gratitude. He says that “how you do anything is how you do everything”, so pay it forward by passing along all of the encouragement and positivity than you can.

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