Building Trust and Empathy to Enhance Relationships with Pamela Barnum

Why don’t you get a second chance at a first impression? Because your first impression is probably right. You will not want to miss this episode of Start With A Win as we hear from former undercover law enforcement agent and federal prosecutor, Pamela Barnum, on the subject.
In this episode of Start With A Win, Pamela Barnum joins us. She is an expert on body language, trust, deception, and human nature. Pamela delivered a TEDx Talk on what she learned from drug dealers about trust during her time as an undercover law enforcement officer.

Pamela shares with Win Nation that we all make initial judgments about people within the first few milliseconds of meeting them for the first time, whether we realize it or not. Our brains read body language and determine if we can trust people or if we have some hesitations. This trust is an essential requirement for business and personal relationships, which can largely predict the outcome of our relationships, positively or negatively.  

Today’s work environment primarily consists of video meetings rather than seeing one another in person. Be mindful as there are many aspects to consider as you speak with others via video. Continue to build rapport with your team and trust with others you interact with through video. People are looking for authenticity above all else in these times. While you need to be conscious of your background so it isn’t distracting, it is helpful for people to see your surroundings to gain a better understanding of who you are. Ensure to have your camera at eye level and dress as you would for an in-person meeting, so it feels more like a face-to-face conversation.

Empathy should be one of your main goals in all interactions. Take a step back and truly try to understand the other person. Empathy is the gateway to other positive outcomes, such as collaboration, transparency, openness, and creativity. Ask clarifying questions when you don’t understand or to confirm you are comprehending what the other person is saying. When possible, remove any physical barriers between you and the person you are meeting with as well.  

Overall, Pamela encourages listeners to be conscious of the subtleties you are projecting to those around you and do your best to communicate with authenticity.

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“What Drug Dealers Taught Me About Trust”:

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