10 Levers Of Success Part 1

There are so many buzzwords and success theories out there that it is hard to decipher the best advice for building a successful business. Adam breaks down his business levers for success on this episode and the next, cutting through the noise that is out there about what is most important.
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam talks about some of the business levers for success based on his experience and the experiences of others. Considering these things can set you up for more wins and keep you on track to reach your goals.

Mindset – Your mind is your ultimate weapon, and it is up to you if you are going to cultivate seeds of limitations or seeds of abundance. You can choose to take responsibility for your circumstances or blame your environment when things don’t go your way, but you will find that things go better for you when you give unconditionally of yourself for the benefit of others, which can’t stem from a mindset of blaming everyone but yourself. Producer Mark lives by the motto “Don’t worry. Be present. Expect.” Perhaps you will find this helpful in shaping your own mindset.

Emotions – What you convey to your clients or those you are in relationship with is what you will receive back from them. You can choose to give unconditional love or unnecessary frustration depending on what you want to encounter.
Time – What you do with your time is ultimately a matter of choice management based in your emotional maturity. Take a look at your typical day in 30-minute segments and determine if each segment was productive or not productive. Reflect on this exercise and plan out ways that you want to change that balance.

Relationships – You can view each relationship you have as a bank account. Making value deposits over time will result in a higher balance. Building relationships doesn’t have to be limited to close friends or acquaintances either – you can easily pay into the relationship bank of everyone you meet by smiling or giving them a compliment.

How You Show Up – This is all about value delivery and your efforts to become who you say you want to be. So much can be learned from how other people see you, especially if you think you are making improvements that are not translating to how people perceive you.
Be sure to tune in next week for the last 5 business levers for success!

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