
We never look forward to dealing with chaos, but we can be prepared to conquer the fear associated with chaos and make level-headed progress in resolving the situation. Adam uses his experience as a police officer (and amateur scuba diver) to deliver his simple six-step process.
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam outlines the six steps to dealing with chaos:

  1. Clear your mind. Take a deep breath and try to relax, which will prepare you to see the situation objectively.
  2. Assess the situation. Lift your head up from the situation right in front of you and look around. Remember that you have the capacity within yourself to find the solution.
  3. Revisit your goals. Ask yourself if this chaotic situation aligns with one of your goals; if it doesn’t, you should remove yourself from the situation. 
  4. Apply your systems. Refer back to the processes you have prepared for this very moment. Maintain forward momentum by sticking to the plan.
  5. Execute. Don’t let fear paralyze you from taking action. Start chipping away to experience growth.
  6. Appreciate. Being grateful for your life will provide you with the motivation to execute, and executing will provide you with more motivation.


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