The secrets to commitment (Part 1 of 2)

Do you have trouble following through and accomplishing the goals you set for yourself? Or do you struggle to set goals in the first place? Perhaps the real source of the problem is your attitude towards commitment, the connection to your motivations leading you forward. On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam gets into these topics and more to help you find success and happiness.
Show Notes:

On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam describes the first aspect of commitment: attitude. Commitment paves the road to success and happiness, transforming promise into reality and building character, and just as an attitude of commitment helps you start with a win, it enables you to continue winning.

A lot of what goes into the attitude of commitment is the decision to do something and overcoming the fear of failure, because failure is just the beginning. By establishing why you are doing something or reaching for a certain goal, you are able to cultivate the willpower you will need to see it through. This mindset shift opens the door to small changes and improvements that can help you fulfill your purpose and master the task at hand. 

Adam challenges listeners to sit down and write your “why” for the main things they are focused on. Then take each of those “whys” and ask yourself “why” 6 times until you get down to the true motivation or emotion that is propelling your decisions and actions. This ultimate “why” transcends logic and helps you understand more about yourself and your purpose.


Urban Dictionary definition of “commitment”:

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