Communicating Empathy in Marketing with RE/MAX Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Abby Lee

RE/MAX Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Abby Lee, joins us on this episode of the Start With A Win podcast to discuss messaging during COVID-19. She explains that many businesses have made poor decisions, while some stand out as very valuable to their clients and communities. What separates these two groups? Tune into this episode to find out!
This episode of the Start With A Win podcast might as well be a masterclass taught by RE/MAX Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Abby Lee. Abby is an industry leader not only due to her experience and vast knowledge but also because she is not insulated from what other companies are doing. She is constantly learning by watching others and shifting RE/MAX’s approach to fit the market. 

Reports have shown that 75% of businesses stopped marketing altogether after the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Meanwhile, a large portion of organizations that continued to market delivered tone-deaf messaging to its audience. Both of these are the wrong responses. RE/MAX’s consumer research early in the pandemic found that people want to hear comforting messages from the brands they support during this time. The goals of marketing have never changed — to differentiate your company and communicate with empathy to your customers. This empathetic communication requires a feedback loop with your customers, finding out how they are doing, what they need from you, and how you can provide them with more value. 

When looking at marketing campaigns during the summer of 2020, some businesses are not making use of their feedback loops. They are putting out very tone-deaf messages, focusing solely on sales or getting people into their stores. They say things like “don’t worry,” or do not mention any precautions they are taking to keep customers safe. People want to know, first and foremost, that you are there for them and that we are all going to get through this together, and a great platform to convey this message is video content in the digital space. Everyone is craving a personal connection rather than social distancing, and video is the next best thing to face-to-face interactions.

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