Communication, Preparation, and Energy-Management in Sports and Life

In this episode, hear from Molly Fletcher, a speaker, author, and former top sports agent. She shares a bit of her story, including what she has learned over years of working with people and negotiating deals. Her wisdom and insights apply to both those working in the sports world and business people and everyone looking to start with a win!
In this episode of Start With A Win, we hear from Molly Fletcher, a speaker, author, and former top sports agent. In her professional career, she spent two decades as one of the world’s only female sports agents and negotiated over 500 million dollars of contracts. 

Molly shares a bit about her career, including key points she has learned over the years of negotiating contracts and working with people. She notes that negotiation is simply a conversation, and the better the relationship, the better the outcome will be. Understanding where the other person is coming from is vital, as are good preparation and communication.

On the other hand, Molly lists two of the top mistakes people make in negotiating: not asking the tough questions early on and not taking the time to pause. To wrap up, we learn about the idea behind Molly’s new book, “The Energy Clock” — that the linchpin for performance for athletes, coaches, and business people alike is not time management but energy management. Show up for your big moments with the energy you need! 

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