Conquering the Fear of Failure

Stop looking at failure as a negative. It’s a forward process. It’s a sign you’re taking bold steps, attempting new things, testing your limits and putting yourself out there. Once you start viewing failure for what it is – an opportunity for the future – you’ll be able to truly grow. Here are the steps needed to get over your fear of failure and instead budget for it.
Our topic on this episode of the Start with a Win podcast is conquering the fear of failure. Adam outlines the 4 steps to failing better and not being discouraged from continuing to try.

  1. Accepting failure – Recognize that it has happened and that you need to set aside your ego so you can get over the feeling of failure.
  2. Taking failure out – Do some kind of significant mourning action that will create closure for you: take a walk or a run, meditate, apologize to others involved, cry it out, or whatever works best for you and the situation.
  3. Learn from the failure – Take the time to debrief what caused the failure to occur, where the missteps occurred, and how this failure can be avoided in the future.
  4. Make something from the failure – Recognize that failure is not the endgame, so you shouldn’t treat it like one. Do not be afraid to get back in the game and continue failing forward, always improving yourself and the world around you by creating better methods of communication, structure, and planning.
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