Determination on and off the Field with Hall of Fame Quarterback Steve Young

Adam had the chance to sit down with former NFL superstar quarterback Steve Young to discuss his perspective on success and facing challenges. No doubt you will leave this conversation encouraged to pursue your goals with renewed grit and determination.
Our guest on this episode of Start With A Win needs almost no introduction. Steve Young is considered to be one of the NFL’s greatest left-handed quarterbacks, but he would not consider his athletic success to be among his greatest achievements. Steve says that football is like a laboratory that teaches you about the hard work, adversity, accountability, and constraints that you will face throughout life and many of life’s lessons have started to work themselves out for him on the field.

When Steve was a freshman in college at BYU in 1983, an organization called Children’s Miracle Network was in its early days and Steve was asked to partner with them to bring awareness to the need for fundraising for children’s hospitals. At that time in his life, Steve had never been to a hospital and he was shocked to see how many children were suffering. Ever since that day, he has been involved with Children’s Miracle Network and he is continually inspired by the hope and determination displayed by the children he comes in contact with through the organization. We can all learn from the spirit demonstrated by these kids who believe that they will rise above their circumstances and find healing. 

Steve says that as adults we lose a bit of our innocent belief in ourselves and those around us, thinking that life is a zero-sum game that no one really wins. But in reality, if we embrace the qualities displayed by the Children’s Miracle Network champion kids, we would find that through collaboration and banding together we can all win. So many people are limiting themselves unnecessarily by comparing themselves to others, but comparison is the thief of joy and will never serve you well.


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