Failing Sales Techniques

Here’s the hard truth: There are three reasons you’re failing in sales – and they all begin and end with you. The good news? You have control to change your outcome! Even better news? I’ve spent years observing salespeople and why their careers soar or stall. Today I break down my conclusions and share how you can start feeding your business, your relationships and your life.
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, we discuss the 3 typical reasons why sales people fail. These ideas can also be easily translated to any area of life, making you well-rounded and more successful overall.

Reason #1: Not going out to get new business every day.

  • It is important to continue prospecting and networking while maintaining your current client base. Think of each new lead as food for your business; if you aren’t bringing any in, you are starving your business.
Reason #2: Failing to nurture your relationships with your customers.

  • Customers expect to be “handled” by the sales process at companies with which they are involved. What can set you apart is building authentic relationships with your clients by creating mutual trust, communications, and expectations.
Reason #3: Never asking for the close.

  • By having too many prospects in your sales pipeline that aren’t being converted into clients, you are clogging up your system and not giving yourself or your clients the breathing room that you need. Asking for the close can be awkward, but if you have a script and role-play it, you can focus instead on being kind and empathetic in the closing conversation and add lifetime value to the relationship, which will result in repeat and referral business.
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