Five Key Principles for a Successful Business

In business and life, the people who survive the longest are not the strongest or the smartest, but those who are most adaptable to change. Adam shares with Start With A Win listeners the five key principles critical to your business’ future, plus a bonus principle that ties them all together.
In this episode of the Start With A Win podcast, Adam outlines the five key principles critical to the success and future of your business, which you may consider common sense. Are you focusing on these principles as much as you should?
  1. Emotional leadership – Part of your job as a leader is to truly care about your customers, employees, shareholders, stakeholders, and the community. To listen to them and make them feel safe. Without this, you are not using empathy or a true understanding of your interactions.
  2. Digitization – Most businesses have transitioned into some form of digitization over the past few months. Perhaps you have found the benefits of this method in communicating with your customers more directly. By systematizing your processes a bit more, you can attain higher levels of efficiency and measure your goal progress along the way.
  3. Agility – Be open-minded and aware of the changes going on around you. Do not stick your head in the sand and insist your way is best.
  4. Presence – Presence creates trust and builds relationships with your customers and stakeholders. The race for market share starts with the race for mind share.
  5. Kindness – Be intentional with how you treat people and genuinely demonstrate caring, goodness, and a concern for the health, safety, and welfare of others. Choose empathy and deploy love wherever you go.
  6. BONUS – Video – Video is a great platform for tapping into all five key principles. Publish video content daily and get in front of people with a concise and valuable message. It demonstrates emotional leadership, agility, presence, kindness, and accomplishes the goal of digitization. If you haven’t started yet, consider this the sign you have been waiting for!

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