Get By Or Make Your Dreams Come True - Interview With Richard Robbins

The Secret To Wayne Gretzky and Michael Jordan's success? Being coachable. Are you coachable? Whether you think you are or not, our guest on this episode of the Start with a Win podcast can help you understand yourself better and open up your potential through coaching.
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam talks with Richard Robbins, the acclaimed business coach who has been helping RE/MAX agents and brokers and professionals from many other industries for more than 20 years. Richard describes being coachable as “crazy curious”, meaning that the person knows that they don’t know it all and they consistently ask questions and desire to learn.

Many people are held back from future personal or professional success because of their fear of uncertainty or change. The coachable person, on the other hand, recognizes the benefit of knowing their blind spots and working to improve despite any fear they may feel.

The real estate agents that Richard has worked with over the years tend to have one main issue: complacency. They have figured out a good system for “getting by” every day and they don’t see any need to change their ways to make their dreams come true, potentially because they haven’t allowed themselves to dream. Many agents and brokers get too focused on the money and they fill their days up with busy work that is not truly productive just to earn the paycheck. Their main motivators, in fact, should be much deeper: their “why”, their purpose, their desires, and the greater cause within them.

Richard finds that when working with people who are complacent, they have renewed vigor when he adjusts their plan to get them to the goal they had been neglecting. Research has shown that 95% of the over 60,000 thoughts you think every day are habitual, so what you think becomes what you feel, which becomes how you act, which leads to your results. Richard is a believer in programming your mental state at the beginning of every day with a focus on gratitude and continuous improvement, which will overflow into all other areas of your life. 


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