
Do you find yourself jumping on the “New Year’s Resolutions” bandwagon but never actually achieving any of those goals? You might be setting the wrong type of goals or have the wrong motivations. By avoiding Adam’s common goal mistakes, you can find real success and make the progress you never have before. The beginning of the new year is an awesome time to start with a win!
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam and Mark discuss the goals and resolutions that so many people are going to start in the beginning of 2019. Did you know that it takes an average of 10 attempts before your resolution will stick? This does not have to be the case. In order to have SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals, it is important to avoid these common mistakes:

  1. Too vague – Saying that you “want to get healthy” is not helpful in the scheme of things because you have not done the upfront planning to make a goal worth accomplishing. A good way to make sure that your goal is not too vague is to tell people about it so they will hold you accountable.
  2. Too boring – If you are not excited about your goal, then you are not going to put in the work to make it happen. Set up a system of routine and reward for yourself and perhaps take advantage of goal-stacking to multiply your efforts.
  3. Too easy – Setting a goal that is too easy does not really count as a goal. You should feel gratified after completing it, and it should be a bit of a challenge.
  4. Overwhelming – Many people say that they want to “lose 60 pounds in 2019” or “save $5,000 by the end of the year”, but these goals are so large that they seem unattainable. Try making your goals more bite-sized like “lose 5 pounds in January” or “only eat out once per week and save the excess.”
  5. Easily forgotten – It isn’t helpful to anyone if you set an arbitrary goal just to say you have set a goal. You will benefit the most by setting goals that are related to your daily life.
By eliminating these variables from the equation, you set yourself up to accomplish your goals.

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