How Facebook Uses Community to Navigate Crisis with Nada Stirratt

In this current cultural environment of social distancing, perhaps you have found yourself reaching out to friends and family through online mediums more than usual. Undoubtedly, this is a trend all over the world, and with 2.5 billion users, Facebook and its associated services are leading the efforts to keep people connected.
We are honored to welcome to this episode of the Start with a Win podcast Nada Stirratt, VP Global Business Group for North America at Facebook. Nada has had a prolific and storied career in the technology and marketing industries, and her efforts continue as she leads her team at Facebook to accomplish the mission of building communities and bringing people closer together. Their unwavering commitment to that mission has led them to innovations that have changed the way people connect, which is especially important during times like the current pandemic. 

Facebook has specifically outlined its four key objectives for helping people navigate this crisis:
  1. Build community
  2. Provide accurate information
  3. Use data for good
  4. Help businesses and the economy recover
Integral to these efforts is an understanding of the needs, wants, and behaviors of Facebook’s users, which trickles down to the advertisers that Facebooks works with to best serve those populations. This knowledge also informs the marketing efforts of individual businesses and organizations, who are increasingly using video to connect with their consumers. Nada recommends that all businesses look into free resources and course content if they have not yet engaged with their customers through video. In this challenging business environment, many businesses are quickly adjusting their operations and marketing efforts to “meet people where they are,” while others are unsure of how to move forward. Nada emphasizes the importance of being resourceful and in touch with the communities your business serves to know how best to continue to work with them. 

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