How Storytelling Transforms Your Business with Kindra Hall

Kindra Hall, president and chief storytelling officer at Steller Collective, joins Win Nation in this episode of Start With A Win. She shares how she emerged into the art of storytelling and reveals why businesses should incorporate storytelling as part of their marketing and sales strategies.
In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam introduces President and Chief Storytelling Officer at Steller Collective, Kindra Hall. Steller Collective is a consulting firm “focused on the strategic application of storytelling to today’s communication challenges.” Kindra’s interest in storytelling sparked at a young age during a family vacation road trip after listening to a storytelling tape by the National Storytelling Festival. She reflects how this experience unified her family, despite different age gaps and interests. Since then, she transformed her passion for storytelling into a career. 

Kindra explains how storytelling is co-creative, differentiating it from other forms of communication. This co-creative process enables people to create their own versions of relatability, creating a shared experience with the interpersonal connection. She elaborates how this applies in business—people say yes to the story of the products or services rather than its features. Kindra’s book, Stories That Stick: How Storytelling Can Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences, and Transform Your Business, provides insights into why storytelling is an effective business strategy, including a framework for creating compelling stories. 

Kindra addresses the #1 common mistake for storytelling in business—people try to convey big concepts, resulting in vague stories. This approach prevents opportunities to connect with others emotionally. Instead of persuasive language, Kindra suggests focusing on one moment. This moment should address a person’s hopes, struggles, or fears, producing a story that reveals a solution people can resonate with and understand. Paying attention to your audience is key. Consider what you want your audience to think, feel, know, or act after engaging with your story. Having clarity of the objective and understanding your audience will guide you into the story you should tell. 

Stories That Stick: How Storytelling Can Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences, and Transform Your Business

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