How to Effectively Manage Your Time and Development with Eric Papp

In this episode of Start With A Win, Eric Papp, Founder of Agape Leadership, LLC, joins Win Nation to discuss the foundation and effectiveness of time management and productivity in the workplace and in personal development.
In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam welcomes Eric Papp, Keynote Speaker and Founder of Agape Leadership, LLC. Eric begins the conversation by sharing his background in the leadership development and sales industry and his inspiration for initiating Agape Leadership. Agape signifies the highest form of love, which inspired the name of Eric’s business since he believes the highest form of leadership translates into the highest form of love. 

Eric discusses the importance of personal development, emphasizing if you’re not consistently improving, you’re gradually getting worse. He reveals how a lack of investment in yourself and not educating the mind will result in negativity, self-doubt, and worrisome thoughts. He also recommends reading 15 minutes a day devoted to your personal development, business, or spirituality. 

Eric explains people tend to habitually overcommit, overpromise, and under-deliver with obligations and responsibilities. As a result, people extend beyond their capacities. He further explains that activity impacts thoughts, interfering with the bandwidth to think strategically and develop ideas. In turn, this dynamic creates a lack of certainty, which prevents people from reaching their goals. He breaks down the concept of better thinking versus more effort, emphasizing the importance of planning time strictly for thinking and brainstorming. This consists of two components: 
  1. Preparation = Establishing a clear game plan
  2. Priority = How you will spend your time and debrief
End Result = Measuring your progress and evaluating what needs to be changed

Eric shares one of his core time-management concepts—micro to momentum. This concept focuses on developing an unconscious habit by starting small on tasks and working your way up. He elaborates how this coincides with overcoming procrastination and perfectionism. 

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