Learning, Earning, and Yearning: Interview with RE/MAX co-founder Dave Liniger (Part 3 of 3)

Welcome back to the Start with a Win podcast for the final portion of our interview with Dave Liniger. In this episode, Dave discusses how he has designed his life, at work and at home, and he shares his top 3 business lessons. You don’t want to miss this!
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, we hear the final installment of Adam’s interview with RE/MAX Co-founder and Chairman of the Board, Dave Liniger. Over the past 46+ years, RE/MAX has lived through many transitions, economic swings, technological advances, and generations of homeowners. During that time, Dave and his team have often been called “disruptors” to the real estate industry because of their innovative thinking and structuring of their organization, but this name has always served them well. By having an open and curious mindset, Dave has been able to navigate the organization through many ups and downs, and he has gone from earning $95 per month in his military days to being a billionaire. 

One of the key concepts that Dave has used throughout his life is his intentional planning of his goals and taking the small steps along the way to get there. He talks about the concept of “the three boxes” and the necessity to integrate learning, earning, and yearning into every stage of life. He is not afraid to say “no” or to listen to the ideas of anyone who has a good one.

Dave’s top 3 business lessons are:

  1. Personal development – Never stop learning: read more books, attend more seminars, and watch less television.
  2. Personal associations – Seek out diversity and inclusiveness in your relationships.
  3. Personal balance – Balance does not always happen, but you will make time for what is important.

“The Three Boxes of Life” by Richard Bolles: https://www.amazon.com/Three-Boxes-Life-How-Them/dp/0913668583 

“The Four Burners” by James Clear: https://jamesclear.com/four-burners-theory 

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