Interview With Jon Cheplak

Have you ever felt like you aren’t getting quite as far as you want to business-wise? Our guest Jon Cheplak sheds some light where your focus might be misaligned or disconnected from where you intend it to be and what to do to change that.
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, our guest is Jon Cheplak. Jon helps people dive deep within themselves to find the humility, vulnerability, and transparency they need to be emotionally mature and then able to succeed in their business endeavors. Through a mutual discovery process, Jon asks clients and potential clients questions like “Where did you come from?”, “Why do you want to grow?”, and “What do you to do to experience you from a higher level?” He has found that clients who are willing to be the most transparent and go the deepest with Jon will most likely outperform those who don’t.

Jon also talks about the connection between head and heart, encouraging clients to look at the areas that are under performing and be willing to tweak the process internally first, which will make positive changes in their professional lives in turn. Choice management issues are an area of focus for him, since the result of this head-heart connection is the biological desire to get a “hit” of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin. If people are choosing the wrong things to give their attention to, they are likely doing so because of the positive feelings those decisions give them. Understanding these dynamics and desires about yourself will help you be able to lead yourself first and use that experience to influence your leadership of others as well.

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