
Don’t you love Mondays? If you don’t, you should! Every Monday is an opportunity to recommit to getting incrementally better. Over the weeks, months, and years, those moments of continuous improvement will add up to massive positive changes.
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam discusses the concept of becoming incrementally better every day. The Japanese idea of kaizen means “continuous improvement,” and car companies like Toyota and Honda are excellent examples of this ideology. They are committed to continually improving their quality, even stopping an entire assembly line in order to fix an issue on the spot, rather than allowing defective parts to go through the complete process and being dealt with at the end. By practicing this concept day-in and day-out, they achieve drastic quality improvements over time which sets them apart from companies who do not follow this philosophy.

Sir David Brailsford has been honing his craft, which he calls “the aggregation of marginal gains,” since 2002. He was asked to coach the British cycling team in 2003, and he led the team through a series of very small changes such as new seats, adjusted tire pressure, a lighter paint color, new pillows to sleep on, and a commitment to maintaining healthy living, which created a culture of collaboration and collective improvement. The team won 8 gold medals at both the 2008 and 2012 Olympics, and he was then asked to coach Team Sky at the Tour de France in 2012. Following the same model of the aggregation of marginal gain, Team Sky won the Tour in 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2017.

Following these mindsets, consider what small changes you can make to live a fuller and more fulfilling life. Try getting up earlier, exchanging a starch for a vegetable at a meal, smoking one less cigarette, drinking one less cocktail, watching 1 less television show so you can read 1 more chapter of a book, or telling your family that you love them one more time. You will likely be amazed with the results over time from making these small consistent choices.

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