Lead Your Team with Accountability, Presence, and Passion

In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam provides a sneak-peek into chapters five, six, and seven from his book, Start With A Win: Tools and Lessons to Create Personal and Business Success. Adam discusses accountability, overcoming fear and overwhelm, and the impact of presence and passion for people and your work.
In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam and SWAW producer Mark pick up the conversation about Adam's first book, Start With A Win: Tools and Lessons to Create Personal and Business Success. Adam covers takeaways from chapters five, six, and seven. He explains how success takes time and does not occur overnight. Adam elaborates the core differences between managers and leaders—managers tell people how to do things, leaders provide direction and inspiration. Good leaders work to make other people great leaders rather than devote entirely to self-improvement. 

Adam breaks down the concept of accountability—witnessing without judgment. Accountability is the first step of understanding but is often mistaken for the beginning of condemnation. Accountability enables people to evaluate processes and goals and adjust as needed. Adam addresses fear and overwhelm, revealing a leadership spin-off from the VUCA concept (traditionally an acronym signifying volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity)—vision, understanding, clarity, and action. This concept focuses on creating a plan to overcome overwhelm, accomplished with a concrete action plan. Otherwise, overwhelming feelings will spiral if not addressed and resolved. 

Leading is about creating teams with a shared vision and direction. Adam emphasizes the importance of presence and passion for people and your work. Implementing this mindset enables better relationships with your employees and customers. Lack of communication is often the leading cause of issues within teams and businesses. Adam recommends connecting with your team and customers at least twice a week face-to-face, if possible, to maintain relationships. Two communication takeaways:

  1. Ask yourself: If you are your customer, would you choose you? 
  2. Don’t center all communication about your business or selling. 

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