Leveling Up with Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour

In this very special episode of Start With A Win, Adam talks with a true American hero, Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour, the first African-American female combat pilot in the United States. In this fun, energetic conversation, the two talk about pursuing your dreams in the face of obstacles and how to make gutsy moves in your life.
Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour is a former police officer and Marine, and she is America’s first African-American female combat pilot. After serving two tours of duty in Iraq, FlyGirl revved up her career in the private sector as an entrepreneur, consultant to business, and author of Zero to Breakthrough: The 7-Step, Battle-Tested Method for Accomplishing Goals that Matter. As a speaker and executive coach, FlyGirl unleashes hard-hitting advice and amazing anecdotes from her adventures on the battlefield and in business.

As the daughter of a former Marine, FlyGirl’s parents always encouraged her and told her that she could do anything. She took that encouragement to heart, always keeping her eye on what she wanted. At the age of four, she knew she wanted to be a cop that rode a horse downtown. and that’s exactly what she got to do—on a Harley Davidson “steel horse” that is…

But when pursuing your dreams, obstacles are inevitable. And as a black, gay female, FlyGirl doesn’t have to look far for an obstacle to overcome. But throughout her life, she’s learned to view these obstacles through a different lens. She looks to one of her favorite quotes: “Most of the time, opportunities come disguised as an obstacle.” Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich (1936) When people look at her life and see the obstacles she’s overcome, she is quick to remind them that they are just opportunities she’s chosen to take advantage of. 

FlyGirl shares her battle-tested method for achieving your dreams and goals:

  1. Create Your Flight Plan
  2. Pre-Flight
  3. Takeoff
  4. Navigating Minefields & Obstacles:
  5. Review, Recharge, Re-Attack
Flygirl also talks about her new book coming out in 2023, The Gutsy Move. The gutsy move is found in your gut—your intuition and your instincts. You know in your gut what the gutsy move is, but you have to take action. If you don’t take action, it wasn’t a gutsy move. It was only a gutsy thought!

Episode Links:

The Gutsy Move: 5 Tips to Navigate Challenges and Achieve Your Visions and Dreams

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