Lies Business Leaders Tell Themselves

On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam outlines some of the biggest lies that business leaders tell themselves. Many of them stem from neglecting to realize that larger successes come from micro-commitments and consistent smaller wins.
“Owning a business makes you a leader.” – Just about anyone can own a business, but it takes intentional effort, a willingness to be coachable, and a commitment to giving 100% to your business, customers, and employees to truly be a leader.
“My employees want to work for me.” – It is your responsibility as their leader to make the workplace somewhere that your employees want to be and where they are encouraged to be the best version of themselves. Your business should be viewed as a community or family that people want to be a part of.
“Since I own this business, it is the best one out there.” – Just because you think your baby is pretty doesn’t mean it really is. Approach your business with humility and frequently reach out to your customers for their feedback in your quest for continuous improvement.
“I will succeed just because I showed up.” – You will succeed when you are serving your customer well, which takes time, hard work, and a willingness to listen to the feedback of your customers.
“Success is fast.” – When you try to rush success, you will end up being a jack of all trades and master of none. Success requires a series of small wins every day including consistent interactions with your customers, employees, colleagues, and mentors. It has been said that “focus” really means Follow One Course Until Success, and success in business is a long game.

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