Low Tech. Low Touch and Inaccessible.

Put down the drink. Step away from the TV. And leave your comfort zone far, far behind. Today, I explore the secrets to being current, relevant, valuable and present. Do you want a life that flourishes? I share my tips and recommend a few resources for helping you become better every day – and for remaining top of your game.
Our topic on this episode of the Start with a Win podcast is the importance of staying current, relevant, valuable, and present with your customers. It would be easy to get comfortable with the systems and processes that you have in place right now and fall behind as new technology emerges, but this makes you irrelevant and pushes you farther away from your prospects and clients. Every time you let a technological advance pass you by, you lose value and become less accessible. Adam’s 3 key ways to stay current, relevant, valuable and present are:

  1. Find and deliver value daily – Recognize that every day is a gift and you are never beyond learning something new. Take advantage of the vast resources out there for your enrichment: books, audiobooks, podcasts, and simple discussions about new topics with friends. Having something valuable and constructive to say in a conversation makes you more able to connect to those around you.
  2. Contribute – Ask questions of those around you, always trying to glean all of the information you can from the conversation and maintain your curiosity in life.
  3. Reach out – Communicate and network with others by developing fun and deep relationships that are mutually beneficial and edifying.
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