Mastering The Art Of Showing Up

Sometimes the hardest part of completing a task is just showing up. Once you are there, you experience fewer barriers and opportunities to make excuses, making you more productive. Preparing for tomorrow starts today, and when you get this system down, you will truly be starting with a win.
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam talks with us about what he calls “mastering the art of showing up.” He says that today started yesterday and tomorrow starts today, and while the day’s tasks may seem monumental when viewed collectively, tackling them a step at a time is the best system to set up for yourself. Today, you can plan and prepare for the successes you are going to have tomorrow, from exercising to meetings at work to interactions with your fellow drivers to making the most of your time with your family. Find ways to eliminate excuses and commit to starting whatever is ahead of you by having a winning attitude.

Specifically, in the morning, get up and away from your bed as soon as the alarm goes off. You will find that after a few weeks of waking up at the same time, your brain will get in the routine and you will be more mentally prepared to get up. Once you are up, your momentum is rolling and it is simple to put on the clothes you set out the night before and make it out the door for work or to go to the gym. These “micro-commitments” that you choose to make throughout the day will result in amazing productivity and the determination to do the same tomorrow.


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