Maximizing Your Time and Ending with a Win

We focus a lot on starting with a win on the podcast. However, there are many benefits to working hard every day to also end with a win. Adam and Mark discuss practices they have implemented into their own lives to ramp up their productivity and sharpen their mindsets to ensure that they learn from their losses and start to win more.
In this episode of the Start With A Win podcast, Adam talks about time and the impacts that emotional maturity can have on making the most effective use of the time you have. Every day is filled with choices, which are conscious decisions based on your emotional maturity (or immaturity). You could intentionally make progress on your goals, or you could get stuck in a social media loop and waste a few hours that could have improved your life and personal or professional development. 

Parkinson’s Law says that a project will take all the time that you will give it. You could be prepared and block off time for it, or you could wait until the last minute and have a more stressful and less fulfilling experience. One thing that is universal to all humanity is that we will eventually run out of time in our lives, so don’t waste any more time. Recognize that your enemies are Parkinson’s Law and perfection, which is rationalized procrastination, and choose to be intentional with the time you are given. 

A prime example of this that we have all experienced is how productive we all are right before a vacation. Those things that you have been putting off for weeks will suddenly get checked off of your to-do list when you are a few days out from vacation because you are motivated to do so. If you schedule your vacations ahead of time, set up a hard deadline, and communicate that you are going to be off the grid, you will be amazed how much you can get done before you leave. 


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