Overcoming Challenges with Flip or Flop's Tarek El Moussa

Entrepreneur, real estate investor, and TV personality Tarek El Moussa was our special guest on this episode of Start with a Win. We were honored to have him join us and share with listeners from his wealth of knowledge in the industry. You won’t believe some of the twists and turns his journey has taken to get him to this place.
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam talks with Tarek El Moussa, star of HGTV’s “Flip or Flop” and real estate industry expert. At the age of 20, Tarek found himself without a degree, without a job, and without a plan for the future. Through the providential placement of an advertisement for real estate school, he enrolled and got his real estate license and within 90 days he had made $120,000. This drastic shift in his lifestyle was the starting point of his career, and when he was faced with the bottoming out of the real estate market in 2007-2008 with everyone else, he decided to stick it out and make it to the other side.

In 2010, he pitched the idea of a television show about flipping houses to some production companies and before long, he had received a contract for 13 episodes. The problem was that he knew very little about flipping houses and now he was committed to flipping 13 within 10 months. Like many other things in his life, though, he figured it out and found a way to be very successful doing it. Tarek has flipped over 500 houses in the past 9 years, “Flip or Flop” is about to start its 9th season, and he has a couple of spin-off shows in the works as well.

Tarek will be the first to tell you that nothing good comes without hard work, and he has had his fair share of 16-20 hour days trying to meet deadlines. This is exhausting for anyone, and Tarek’s biggest challenge through it all was not quitting when he felt like quitting. He has learned that if you refuse to quit, you never fail, and he lives this out day after day. In recent years, he has shifted his focus to helping other people find their way out of their current circumstances to take advantage of the opportunities in front of them, and he wants to use his platform to impact the world on a larger level. To real estate agents, Tarek’s advice is to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and just stick with it until you figure out the process. Everyone struggles, he says, but the work is worthwhile if you commit to it.


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