Owning Your Mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable. The mark of a strong leader is someone who is willing to take responsibility for those mistakes and use creative problem solving to move forward toward their goals.
Business is all about relationships. It requires give and take, especially when everything doesn’t go according to plan. Much like a bank account, we can evaluate the health of our relationships by tracking both deposits and withdrawals. Good leaders constantly deposit in employees’ and customers’ relational bank accounts so that when it comes time to make a withdrawal, there is enough in the account to sustain the cost. Recognition and appreciation are some of the most powerful tools for making deposits. Gratitude and compassion build trust. When mishaps occur, people need to be able to fall back on positive past experiences in order to offer grace in the current situation. When we are honest about our mistakes, then we can make necessary pivots for getting back on track with clear communication and purposeful redirection. 

Main Topics
  • Mark’s first “own it” of the year (01:11)
  • Accountability is witnessing, not judging (04:16)
  • Relationships are like bank accounts (07:35)
  • Balancing deposits and withdrawals in business and personal relationships (12:06)
  • What does inflation in relationships look like? (13:25)
  • Call to action- what have you done since the first of the year to make relational deposits? (15:57)

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