Personal Branding 101

Do you struggle to be recognized or to differentiate yourself from those around you? If you don’t have a well-defined personal or business brand, you are fighting an uphill battle, but it is much simpler than you think to build your own brand. After all, it is mainly just an external representation of your values and passions, and how those aspects create value for your clients.
On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam and Mark talk about building your own personal and/or professional brand. Now “branding” has become a buzzword in today’s business world, but most people do not adequately grasp what is means to build a brand, so they aren’t reaping any of the benefits. For the purposes of this episode, we will define your brand as “the thoughts and emotions evoked when people think about you.”

Your brand should encompass your values, persona, passions, and focuses in whatever industry you are serving. This needs to be define-able and easy for people to understand, so sit down and really take the time to think about what you want your brand to include. Consult some of your friends and colleagues, and perhaps even go through a 360-degree evaluation process to see how others perceive you. This will help you determine how to tailor your image or and begin to live out your brand through social media and your other platforms.

Once you have found your brand, reach out to people who can help you with things like a logo, a website, business cards, etc. as you prepare your content. Based on your brand, determine what types of content you should create, how it should be distributed, and what platforms should be used. It is crucial to understand that you cannot post the same video on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn because each of those platforms encourages specific content types and elicits different interactions or engagements from your audience. You also must recognize that “doing Facebook” does not mean scrolling through your news feed and liking one of your clients’ statuses and calling it a day. You would be amazed how easy it is to set up Facebook ads to promote your brand, and the results from just a $5 ad could bring in several new leads with minimal effort on your end.

After this episode, Adam challenges you to build your personal or business brand. Go to a freelancing site and hire someone to help you with the deliverables you aren’t strong in, and just launch into the world as a well-defined value-creator.


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