Pursuing Brilliance with Jeremy Ryan Slate - Part 1

Jeremy Ryan Slate was just a guy who was tired of dead-end jobs and wanted to create his own life, so he launched a podcast. Eight years later, Jeremy has interviewed hundreds of the world’s highest performers, and he has curated some key takeaways they all have in common.
Our guest on this episode of the Start With A Win podcast is Jeremy Ryan Slate, host of the “Create Your Own Life” podcast, self-proclaimed nerd, and opinion leader who prides himself in building trust. Perhaps the most unique thing about Jeremy is that he and his wife have a pet pig who used to live indoors but was evicted to live an outdoor existence when their first (human) child was born.

Jeremy was introduced to podcasts by one of his college professors. When his initial attempts at teaching and sales after college didn’t pan out, he launched a podcast himself as a way of manifesting the life he wanted to have. The show had immediate success, so Jeremy decided to jump right in and utilize the opportunity in front of him and see where it would lead. Throughout his 850+ episodes since 2013, Jeremy has interviewed professional athletes, entrepreneurs, members of the military, and many other high-achievers, and he has noticed a few similarities between them. First, most of them experienced and overcame adversity, viewing it as an opportunity for growth. And second, they were committed to continued learning through training programs, mentorship, apprenticeship, and an internal curiosity.

While Jeremy was forming his personal brand through his podcast, he struggled to define how he wanted to be known. In hindsight, his advice to others going through this process is to let people know how you are different, have courage, and learn from your failures. From a tactical standpoint, Jeremy recommends extending the experience of the content you’re creating by implementing strategies to repurpose it for different channels. He also says that every landing page should have a Getemails.com code and a Facebook Pixel embedded into it so that you can collect email addresses and have the ability to retarget ads to website visitors. When it comes to developing new content ideas, one of his suggestions is to write down a list of all of the objections you receive and start producing content to address those objections. This approach provides value, answers the concerns, and builds trust.

Join us on the next episode for the conclusion of our conversation with Jeremy Ryan Slate!


“Positioning” by Jack Trout and Al Ries: https://www.amazon.com/Positioning-Battle-Your-Al-Ries/dp/0071373586 

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