Quick Win: Set Your Default To Action

When you face pressure in life or in business, what is your immediate response? All responses could be boiled down to two categories – action or emotion – and only one of these is healthy and helpful. You can set your default response to action, which will lead you to getting things done, rather than emotion, which will cause you to get frustrated, distracted, worried, or many other things before you even consider getting things done. Be conscious of how you react by default and work to shift towards taking action instead.
When you face pressure in life or in business, what is your immediate response? All responses could be boiled down to two categories – action or emotion – and only one of these is healthy and helpful. You can set your default response to action, which will lead you to getting things done, rather than emotion, which will cause you to get frustrated, distracted, worried, or many other things before you even consider getting things done. Be conscious of how you react by default and work to shift towards taking action instead.

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