Quick Win: The 4 W Process

During this Quick Win, Adam outlines the 4 W Process that leads to getting in motion and accomplishing your goals. The first W is wish – to work towards something, you really have to want it. The second W is why – this means that you have a genuine motivation to reach the goal and that it is not just a fleeting thought. The third W is when – this puts a timeline on your action. And the fourth W is what – you have to know what you are going to do or nothing will ever get done.
During this Quick Win, Adam outlines the 4 W Process that leads to getting in motion and accomplishing your goals. The first W is wish – to work towards something, you really have to want it. The second W is why – this means that you have a genuine motivation to reach the goal and that it is not just a fleeting thought. The third W is when – this puts a timeline on your action. And the fourth W is what – you have to know what you are going to do or nothing will ever get done.

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