Race Cars, Real Estate, and Reality TV with The Bachelor’s Arie Luyendyk Jr.

You may know Arie Luyendyk Jr. from his racing career or his appearances on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, but did you know that Arie is a RE/MAX agent in Scottsdale, Arizona? He talks with Adam about the similarities between racing and real estate as well as how he has noticed his real estate audience change as his television appearances change.
Our guest on this episode of the Start with a Win podcast is a man of many talents: Entrepreneur, television celebrity, and Indy racer Arie Luyendyk Jr. Arie has had his real estate license since 2004, but when the market took a turn in 2007, Arie decided to focus on racing and his television career for a few years before jumping back into real estate in 2016. He is very passionate about helping people buy and sell homes in the Scottsdale area and beyond — and he actually finds it a bit easier to find clients than it was for him to sign sponsors on the racetrack. 

The key tools that Arie uses to find success are having a system for time management and being surrounded by the right team of people. He recognizes that solid relationships are the basis for all aspects of his career and life and he takes every opportunity to network and connect with people. He has a daily routine of expressing gratitude and setting goals for that day and then circling back at night to check in with himself and plan for the next day. His time management recently hit a speed bump with the birth of his daughter, making him want to spend much more time at home with his family than he used to, but he wouldn’t trade that time for the world.


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