Resolutions for 2020

It’s a new year at Start with a Win and Adam is sprinting out of the gate with some ambitious yet attainable New Year’s Resolutions that everyone should consider adopting. Be sure to stay tuned to the end of the episode for the first listener-submitted question!
Welcome to a new year – a new decade – of the Start with a Win podcast! You are already starting 2020 with a win by listening to the show, but hopefully you are also setting your mind to making other positive choices in the new year. There is always a lot of buzz around New Year’s Resolutions, which may be realistic or unrealistic, but Adam wants to challenge the way you think about resolutions and suggest beneficial resolutions to take on.
  1. Be all in – Commit to being all in on every activity you undertake every day by being on time, working hard, expressing gratitude, and being emotionally intelligent. This is not an easy thing to do and you will slip up sometimes, but your personal and professional goals and relationships will see drastic improvement once you make this decision.
  2. Ask more questions – Be curious and genuinely interested in others, not just waiting for them to stop talking so you can have your turn. You can gain so much knowledge by being hungry and humble through the practice of asking questions without judgement.
  3. CICD (continuous integration, continuous delivery) – This is a term that was borrowed from the IT industry which means to make things better and deliver on it. No matter how good you are at something, there is always room for improvement, and resolving to do better can make all the difference.
  4. Be a global leader in your field – For RE/MAX, this means striving to be a global real estate technology leader. View this new year as the beginning of a new chapter in your journey, filled with opportunity just waiting for you to seize it, and then put in the work it takes to reach that goal.
  5. Start with a win – Resolve to start every day with a win, be kind to everyone and share wins with each other.
Adam also responded to an audio question submitted by Mark regarding RE/MAX’s most valuable asset. Adam and the leadership of RE/MAX are very proud to say that the people are the most valuable asset, based on the culture that Dave Liniger created when he founded the company and lived out through the 128,000+ RE/MAX agents around the world who are closing a real estate transaction every 30 seconds as a team.

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