Six Keys to Effective Leadership with Adam Contos, Part 1

Adam has found that there are six traits of high performing leaders, and he is going to be breaking down these traits over the next couple of episodes of Start With A Win. Integrating these leadership traits into your own life and business could drastically improve your bottom line and productivity, so this is a must-listen series!
The topic of this episode of the Start With A Win podcast is the traits of high-performing leaders and how to incorporate them into your work. Adam will be discussing the first three traits in this episode and the final three traits in the next episode. Be sure to catch both episodes!

The first trait is mindset. Your mindset is made up of your attitude and your values, and this provides you with your leadership foundation. If you have a negative attitude and no articulated values, your foundation will be shaky and destined to fail. However, if you have a can-do attitude, approaching each day as a new opportunity and pivoting when obstacles come your way, you can’t go wrong. This attitude is influenced by your guiding principles or values, the standards of behavior that drive your life and business. It is crucial that you effectively communicate your values and that you have an abundance mentality, rather than being discouraged by difficulties.

Second, Adam discusses emotional intelligence. EQ comes down to how you recognize and leverage the emotions of yourself and others. A big part of this is regulating your own emotions, which Adam breaks down into five parts:

1.     Self-awareness – Take notice
2.     Self-regulation – Assess and align
3.     Motivation – Channel your energy to reach your goals
4.     Empathy – Watch for a reaction
5.     Social Skills – Communicating and setting expectations

The third trait of high-performing leaders is emotional maturity. This gets into your choice management and being intentional about the things that you will say “yes” or “no” to. Emotional maturity means that you have specific, calculated goals and plans in place. It also means you practice discipline in working towards and reaching those goals. You will seek to fix problems and accept accountability for future decisions, whether they align with your chosen areas of focus.

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