Six Keys to Effective Leadership with Adam Contos, Part 2

Welcome back for the second half of Adam’s conversation about the six traits of high-performing leaders on the Start With A Win podcast! If you missed the previous episode, go back and listen before you tune in to this one.
In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam discusses the next three traits of high-performing leaders. The first is being coachable. Are you willing to get better, to accept advice, and to listen and make changes to unlock your true potential? A coach is typically someone that you pay to help you with a specific aspect of your personal or professional life, and you give them the ability to speak into your life and hold you accountable. Be willing to invest 10% of your income into personal development, and coaching should be a big part of this investment. If you are not in a place where you would listen to a coach without being defensive, then you aren’t truly a leader.

Second, high-performing leaders have a strategic mindset or chessboard thinking. Just like chess, life and business contain multiple dimensions, variables, and possibilities that could necessitate any number of strategies and tactics. You have to consistently evaluate where you are, where you want to be, how you are going to get there, what obstacles you are going to face, and how you are going to stay motivated. This means setting short-term and long-term goals that are all focused on the end result and not losing focus along the way.

And finally, consistency. Leaders can take a page out of the books of professional athletes who spend their time training doing the same things over and over again. They find success through repetition and making small adjustments over time, rather than trying to abruptly make a change. Patience is a requirement for slow achievements. Be alright with monotony and boredom in exchange for all of the benefits of consistency as a leader.


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