Solocast: The Truth About Leadership

During this solocast edition of Start With A Win, Adam and Mark discuss leadership—what it is, what it isn’t, what it looks like in daily practice, and what it means to have influence. We are what we repeatedly do, and this is abundantly clear when it comes to leadership.
In this episode of the Start With A Win podcast, Adam shares his insights on leadership and the ways many perspectives on the subject are missing the point. You are not a leader simply because of your job title or having people reporting directly to you. In fact, leading has nothing to do with who you are but rather what you do. Leadership is learned on-the-job, first-hand, by being responsible for other people and their outcomes. This responsibility spans from CEOs to stay-at-home parents, from little league coaches to real estate broker-owners, and is different than just “being in charge."

Leadership involves an intentional daily practice of managing your emotions, attitudes, interactions, and actions. Take a moment to evaluate how you are doing in these areas. How are you leading through your attitudes and actions? What are you portraying to those you are influencing? What are people hearing and experiencing from you? This self-awareness should partner with a willingness to lead yourself as well. It is crucial people see you doing what you are telling them to do, setting that example and consistently living it out. Leading by example is especially important when leading within a company. Adam gives the example of encouraging RE/MAX employees to utilize video and directly communicate with clients by demonstrating those actions himself. Leadership is an opportunity and a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Evaluate how you are doing, and then take steps to be better.

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