Staying Focused in the Age of Information Overload

Americans today encounter up to 10,000 advertisements per day. With limitless information and endless options for distractions at our fingertips, many people experience the negative effects of information overload. Especially for entrepreneurs, too much information can lead to procrastination, decision fatigue, analysis paralysis, and burnout. Since the world will only keep expanding, it is important for business owners to learn coping skills that help them focus in a world where everyone is vying for attention. Adam suggests three tools to assist entrepreneurs in this opportunity for growth:

  1. Prioritize the things that need your immediate attention. Think about what actions you can take to grow your business. Then remove anything that may distract you from those tasks. 
  2. Limit your exposure to irrelevant information. It can be helpful to use apps or other tools for managing your time, setting intentions, and choosing the best sources from which to receive your information.
  3. Schedule time to unplug from information and technology. The brain needs time to rest, even during waking hours. Spending time in meditation, nature, engaged in a favorite activity, or being with loved ones resets and refreshes the brain.

By being proactive in regards to information input, business leaders take daily, necessary steps to avoid burnout. Building a healthy relationship with our exposure to information is one of the best ways to increase productivity and overall quality of life. 

Main Topics

  • Information overload impacts entrepreneurs (02:45)
  • Consequences of too much information (04:15)
  • “Get your ass to market” (06:40)
  • Overcoming information overload (07:17)
  • Limiting exposure to irrelevant information (10:11)
  • Using research time with intention (15:30)
  • Unplug and allow the brain to rest (16:25)
  • Allowing the subconscious mind to solve problems (18:35)
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