The Alter Ego Effect With Todd Herman

Have you ever had lofty dreams or aspirations that you never thought attainable? What if you are much more capable than you give yourself credit for? Our guest on this episode of Start with a Win has developed a strategy for unlocking the power of your secret identity to break down the limitations you have placed on yourself.
Todd Herman, entrepreneur and coach to performance athletes and CEOs, joins Adam for this episode of the Start with a Win podcast. Todd has developed tools to help unlock peak performance at the highest level, which he has recently outlined in his book “The Alter Ego Effect”. 
Growing up on a farming ranch outside of Calgary, Alberta, with two older brothers taught him an extraordinary amount of mental toughness, which he realized as a college athlete. He had found his mental exercises and tools so helpful that he began to volunteer with high school athletes to teach them about mental toughness as well. Soon, parents of some of those athletes were asking Todd to mentor their kids to further develop their resilience, and Todd knew that what he had was unique.
He started speaking at every opportunity to any group who would have him, and when he had worked with enough clients to have a data set, he realized that the main barrier to mental toughness is people getting in their own way by believing they are not capable of more. Todd began building out the idea of a performance-based persona that people could adopt for competition, which would allow them to remain true to their everyday self while also providing them with an outlet to exponentially increase their capabilities.
Todd is able to quickly achieve results with performance athletes and leaders by activating traits that already exist within them and helping them create a new identity to break down the barriers that they had put up for themselves. He wakes up every morning saying “come and get me” to any challenges and adversity because he knows that he has the mental toughness and grit within himself to face anything that comes his way.

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