The Hardcore Closer Part 1 with Ryan Stewman

When it comes to your life, do you have a mission, or do you have an excuse not to accomplish that mission? In part one of this two-part episode, Ryan Stewman, also known as The Hardcore Closer, joins Adam to give us a little tough love and challenge us to live life with a mission and not an excuse.
Ryan Stewman is a genius loan officer turned rogue Internet marketer. He is the CEO of Hardcore Closer, an online learning resource for salespeople, including topics like advertising, marketing, funnel, sales and social media. His online courses have everything you need in order to start marketing your business online and crushing your competitors.

But his success did not come easily.

Ryan likes to say that he is a prime example of what’s possible in America. He was adopted as a baby but grew up in a rough neighborhood. He dropped out of school with only an eighth-grade education, his “business success” began with selling marijuana and cocaine. After spending two years in prison, Ryan went to work at a car wash with a goal to never go back to jail. One of the regular customers noticed his hard work and offered him a job in the mortgage business. Within two years, he was a multi-millionaire at only 26. But after a federal gun charge led him back to prison for 15 months, he lost everything. And it was far from the last hurdle Ryan would encounter.

After overcoming so many hardships in his life and yet still finding his way back to success, Ryan has a simple question for you: what is your excuse? He believes it is all about the mindset plus the work ethic. We always have to have the mindset to work harder. Once we adopt that mindset in our lives, we really can be unstoppable.

Ryan believes it is also important to establish a mission for our lives. His personal mission is to help as many people as possible to become the best version of themselves. He also has three words he lives by: Fuck Your Excuses.

Ryan and Adam round out the conversation by talking about accountability. Ryan’s accountability is found in God and knowing he will have to give an account for how he stewarded his life and talent here on earth.

Be sure to join us next week for the second part of this interview!  

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