The Hardcore Closer Part 2 with Ryan Stewman

In this episode, we pick up the conversation with the Hardcore Closer Ryan Stewman, He shares about the importance of leading by example through hard work, consistency and being the best you can be. Ryan also gives listeners the key to communicating with audiences in a way that will lead to better sales leads.
In this two-part episode of Start With A Win, we are joined by Ryan Stewman, the CEO of Hardcore Closer, an online learning resource for salespeople, including topics like advertising, marketing, funnel, sales and social media. His online courses have everything you need in order to start marketing your business online and crushing your competitors.

Part two picks up the conversation between Adam and Ryan where he talks about the importance of not only leading in the business world but even more so in your family. Just as you do for your employees, you have to lead by example. By consistently working hard and being the best that he can be, you are laying down a foundation for a legacy that will far outlast your lifetime.

Part of leading by example includes establishing systems and habits. Ryan shares how consistency in many areas of his life has led to long-term success, even if that success hasn’t come right away—one example being his podcast that is now nearly 1,000 episodes strong! One of the keys to being consistent is not only having a to-do list, but assigning a time to every single time. Let your calendar be your boss!

Ryan and Adam dive into the topic of sales and marketing where Ryan coaches listeners on how to write and speak to potential customers. Start by finding who you want to do business with and learning the insider’s language of your audience. Make sure that you’re conveying that you know them and you speak their language. Then, authentically communicate your story and/or services in language that will resonate with them and their industry. 

Once the leads start coming in from your marketing, it’s crucial to capture their information, because data is the biggest asset you can have as a business. It’s the one asset that can be monetized over and over again. Ryan shares how his service, Phonesites, can help your business communicate with leads on auto-pilot until they’re ready to become full-on customers.

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