The Impact of Attitude

On this episode of the Start With A Win podcast, Adam shares one of the most fundamental elements of leadership that many people don’t prioritize. It is so simple yet so profound, and it can change your life and business immediately.
What is the first step to leadership? Adam draws from his wealth of leadership training and experience to provide the answer to Start With A Win listeners on this episode. The first step to leadership, he says, is to lead yourself first. It’s counterintuitive because many people assume that the most vital leadership outcome is getting people to do what you want them to do. However, you cannot be an effective leader without first being intentional with yourself. Particularly, it is crucial to have control of your attitudes and emotions.

Pastor Chuck Swindoll is famous for saying that life is 10% about what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it. Adam expands on this quote by saying that leaders have a choice every day about how they will feel and interact with others and that this attitude can make or break a leader’s credibility, relationships, effectiveness, and impact. You will attract other people who behave as you do, and those around you will start to mirror what they see in you, so make conscious choices. Demonstrate emotional intelligence and emotional maturity despite the circumstances. 

You don’t have to put on a fake positive attitude either. You can be realistic and optimistic at the same time. Accept that you will face challenges and know that you can confront them and overcome every adverse situation. You get to decide your mindset when you wake up every morning, so choose to be positive and see challenges as opportunities. 

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