The Journey Behind Writing the Start With A Win Book

In this solo episode of Start With A Win, Adam introduces his first book, Start With A Win! He shares an overview of his inspiration to write the book, its process, and a sneak preview, outlining the chapters.
In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam, and SWAW producer Mark, discuss Adam's first authored book, Start With A Win. Adam shares his inspiration and process for creating the book, referring to the project as a compilation of the SWAW podcast and a reflection of his “why” in business and leadership. 

Adam emphasizes the impact of having a firm grasp on understanding yourself, as it determines the effectiveness of your pursuits in business, leadership, and life. He explains how he views life as a series of missions. Everything we do in life is a mission—working towards goals and executing them. 

Adam describes how he reflects on every experience to measure and make an intentional effort to make improvements. Consider these questions in your experiences—how is your attitude? What challenges have you overcome? What actions did you take to overcome obstacles? Attitude plays a significant variant in defining the outcomes in all life and business endeavors. It is a matter of choosing between a positive or negative mindset. 

Adam reveals the book is divided into two parts, with the first section focused on the reader and the second part delivers tools to succeed. He outlines the topics per chapter:

  • Chapter 1: Attitude 
  • Chapter 2: Our Mission Sets the Playbook
  • Chapter 3: Party with the Beast
  • Chapter 4: Be a sponge
  • Chapter 5: Leadership Learnings
  • Chapter 6: From Chaos to Calm
  • Chapter 7: Presence and Passion
  • Chapter 8: Lose the Ego
  • Chapter 9: Coach, Mentor, & Mastermind
  • Chapter 10: Celebrate the Wins
The book is available to pre-order, with the official release date set for October 19. 


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