The Journey to Self-Awareness with Dr. Tasha Eurich

Dr. Tasha Eurich has spent the past seven years researching self-awareness, and you will be surprised to hear some of her findings. Listen in for the insights of this organizational psychologist, executive coach, and renowned speaker on this episode of the Start With A Win podcast.
Our guest on this episode of the Start With A Win podcast is Dr. Tasha Eurich, New York Times bestselling author of Insight and experienced executive coach and researcher specializing in self-awareness. Tasha and her team have spent the past seven years researching these four questions:
  1. What is self-awareness?
  2. Where does it come from?
  3. Why do we need it?
  4. How do we get more of it?
Essentially, they have boiled down the definition of self-awareness to: “the will and skill to see ourselves clearly.” This level of self-knowledge includes both internal (who we are at our core) and external self-awareness (how people see us). Self-aware individuals possess both internal and external, which sets them apart from the 80% or so of people who think they are self-aware but are not. Tasha has found that there are many internal barriers that people set up for themselves that keep them from attaining self-awareness and that gathering internal and external feedback helps to break down these barriers. 

When focusing on internal feedback, Tasha recommends a daily habitual practice of asking yourself these three questions:
  1. What went well today?
  2. What didn’t go well today?
  3. What can I do to be smarter tomorrow?
Soliciting external feedback is more about asking the right people than asking the right questions. Tasha says that these people should want you to succeed and be willing to say the difficult thing when necessary. If you are interested in learning more about your self-awareness journey, consider taking the free assessment at the link below.

Free Self-Awareness Assessment:

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