The Two Most Important Hours of the Day

In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam is joined by Producer Mark to talk about the two most important hours in the day for any business owner or entrepreneur: Client Hour and Content Hour.
In this episode of Start With A Win, Adam is joined by Producer Mark to talk about the two most important hours in the day for any business owner or entrepreneur: Client Hour and Content Hour. 

When it comes to sales, there are two types of people: order takers and order makers. An order taker is someone who expects the business to happen and to have sales dropped in their lap. They often get their sales leads from those “lead fairies” like web forms and lead-generating companies. But the truth is, less than 1% of leads close and generate actual revenue!

So, in this episode, Adam talks to the order makers. The ones go out and make the business happen!

The two most important hours of your day are actually the two most important things you can work on in your business. 

Client Hour 

This is obviously best done during business hours. It’s the time that you spend talking to your current and future customers. Pull out that contact list of your current and potential customers, and look for ways to talk to them. Send an email, pick up the phone, shoot them a text—whatever you need to do! But this isn’t cold-calling hour. This is relationship-building hour!

In his small, boutique agency, Producer Mark has a network of relationships that he checks in on periodically, nurturing those relationships so they develop into new and repeat business. 

Adam shares the three ways we get business: 

  1. Get new clients
  2. Get more deals per client
  3. Get more money per sale per client
Content Hour

Just like it sounds, this is the time to write content! Think about the challenges your customers have, and write about it. This content can be for a variety of purposes, whether it’s a blog post, video, podcast or social post.

Here is a great format you can use to guide your writing:

  • Get their attention with a problem
  • Agitate the problem
  • Bring in your value piece that solves that problem
  • Accentuate that value piece
  • Serve up the call to action. 
But during content hour, the key is to just write, don’t edit! Step away when you’re finished, and then go back and review.

Client Hour and Content Hour should be what you do first thing in the morning, because that’s when you have the most clarity and the greatest attitude in the day. If you do these things in the morning, your day is going to change. So build these into your calendar, and stick to it!

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